Enhance Your Listing on VSP Find A Doctor Directory

Stand out to new and current patients


Did you know you can easily update your listing on the VSP Find a Doctor Directory within minutes? Download our step-by-step guide below to add website, online appointment scheduling, and doctor headshots and profiles to your listing on the Find a Doctor Directory at vsp.com.

Use this easy-to-follow tool to optimize your doctor profile on the VSP directory.

Why update?

People are searching! Every month on the VSP Find a Doctor Directory there are an average of:

  • 2.2M search result pageviews; 238K search button clicks
  • 612K unique visitors
  • 1M clicks to ALL directory listings in ALL states
  • 79K "schedule appointment" clicks

Connect patients to YOUR practice. With patients being increasingly selective when choosing an eyecare provider to match their needs, it's important — and potentially lucrative — to stand out from the crowd. Plus, Platinum- and Gold-level practices are highlighted on the Find a Doctor Directory with the highly visible Premier Edge banner. Practices with this banner average 3X more clicks than those without it.

Check out the infographic below for tips to make the most out of your listing. 


1. Monthly average January 2022  – December 2022  based on practice data all devices searches.

Check Premier Edge Status